This exercise strengthens the muscles of the legs and core. Bauerfeind’s Sports Knee Support provides stability and compression for top performance, and support during workouts.
This lunge variation is not only a great lower-body workout but also activates and engages the core! The lunge motion activates the glues and the hamstrings while adding in the twist activates and engages the core. By practicing this variation you will increase strength and stability in your lower body as well as improve your balance!
- Begin standing upright with your feet spread hip-width apart.
- Take a long step forward, lowering yourself until your lead knee is bent 90 degrees and your thigh is parallel with the ground.
- With your arms bent and your hands at the sides of your head for balance, twist your trunk at the bottom of each repetition, then return to the forward position before rising again.
- Complete 10 reps before switching to the other leg, and repeat these steps.
- Repeat this set as desired according to your ability level.
Tip: Keep your spine in an upright and straight position throughout the movements. Squeeze your glutes and keep your core engaged. Be careful not to rotate your knee out of alignment when lowering down.
Primary muscles: Glutes and Legs
Secondary muscles: Hip Flexor, Hamstrings and Core
About Olympic Gold Medalist Thomas Roehler:

Thomas Roehler is a professional track and field athlete. He is a 2016 Olympic Gold Medalist with a personal best of 93.90 m in the javelin throw. With a passion for fitness, Thomas is showing us some of his favorite exercises designed to strengthen, stabilize and restore motion to your muscles and joints.
This information is provided for general information purposes and should not be relied on as a substitute for medical advice, evaluation or care from a qualified and licensed health care provider. The information contained here is not to be considered a plan of care or physical therapy.